
Home  >>  Areas of expertise  >>  Acoustics

Acoustic design in architecture is neither art nor magic; it is a science. Attaining a first-class acoustic environment in a room, the proper insulation, low background noise, etc. requires not only skills gained through knowledge, but also creativity, intuition, good judgment and extensive experience.
Acoustics are not just ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but rather depend on the needs of each individual room and the particular usage. It is often said that the best acoustics are those which go unnoticed.
Our goal is to optimize acoustic conditions to achieve appropiate spaces for desired applications.


Some of our services in acoustics are:

  • Room acoustics
  • Building acoustics
  • Legal acoustics
  • Noise control
  • Auralization
  • Speech privacy
  • Environmental acoustics
  • Acoustics measurements

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